Kişisel Alanı rehberi | IFCM Türkiye
IFC Markets Online CFD Broker

Kişisel Alanı rehberi

Registration with IFC Markets

1. On our website press “Open Account”.

Ticaret Şifresi Sıfırlama

1. On our website press “Login”.

2. Enter your email and profile password (which you created during registration) and click “Log in”.

3. In your Profile press “My Accounts” - “My Live Accounts” or click the Widget on the Dashboard.

4. Click “Three dots” menu and select “Change trading password”.

5. Enter your registered phone number and press “Send pin code”.

6. Enter the pin code you received via sms and press “Confirm”.

7. Here is your new Trading password. Please save it in a secured place.

Müşterilerimiz için en iyi hizmet ve en iyi ticaret koşulları

24 saat her konuda size yardımcı olmaya hazırız.

How to Change/Reset the Profile Password

How to Change the Profile Password

1. On our website press “Login”.

2. Press “Forgot your password?

3. Enter your registered email and click “Confirm”.

4. Check your email inbox and find a message titled “IFC Markets profile password recovery”.

If you haven’t received the message by email please contact us and provide a fresh photo of your Identity document.

5. Click “Change Password” button.

6. Enter your registered phone number and press “Send pin code”.

7. Enter the pin code you received via sms and press “Confirm”.

8. Enter your New password and repeat it,...

Hesap Doğrulaması

1. On our website press “Login”.

2. Enter your email and profile password (which you created during registration) and click “Log in”.

3. In your Profile press “My Profile” - “Profile Authorizations”.

4. Fill in the form.

Please pay attention that you will need to upload the photo of your Identity document. If it is a Driver’s license or National ID card – press “Add new field” and upload the photo of the back side of your document.

In “Proof of address” field you will need to upload your bank statement or utility bill containing your name and address.

Press “Save...

Yeni Hesabı Oluşturma

Üye alanınızdan yeni bir gerçek veya demo hesap açabilirsiniz:

İşlem Hesabının Parametrelerini Nasıl Değiştirebilirim

1. On our website press “Login”.

2. Enter your email and profile password (which you created during registration) and click “Log in”.

3. In your Profile press “My Accounts” - “My Live Accounts” or click the Widget on the Dashboard.

4. Click on the value of the parameter to be changed and select the new value in the list that opens.

5. Your request will be processed within the backoffice working hours

Please note that to perform your request for changing account type and leverage, all your trading positions and pending orders must be closed.

6. The status of your request can...

Hesaplararası Havale

1. On our website press “Login”.

2. Enter your email and profile password (which you created during registration) and click “Log in”.

3. In your Profile press “My Accounts” - “My Live Accounts” or click the Widget on the Dashboard.

4. Click “Three dots” menu and select “Internal Transfer”.

5. Select the trading account from which you want to transfer funds. In “Transfer To” please select the account you want to fund. Enter the amount and press “Withdraw”.

6. Your Internal transfer will be processed within the backoffice working hours.

7. The status of your...

Müşterilerimiz için en iyi hizmet ve en iyi ticaret koşulları

24 saat her konuda size yardımcı olmaya hazırız.

Ticarete başlamaya hazır mısınız?

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