Stock Dividend Dates | Trade Share CFDs | Equity CFDs | IFCM Turkey
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Stock Dividend Dates

Stocks represent share in property and incomes of issuing companies. Stock Contracts for Difference (CFD) are instruments that allow investors to make profit as a result of changes in quotations of liquid stocks without ownership. Those who hold a position in Equity CFDs will get or will be charged dividend adjustments equal to the dividend announced.

The stock price is determined not only by market or structural factors, economic conditions in a certain business segment, but also by specific company features, its abilities to generate cash flows. From the accrued positive dividend adjustment, a tax is retained (on the stock market this tax is retained by stock exchanges): 30% tax for #S-..., #A-... instruments; 25% for #CA-... instruments; 20% for #L-...; 26.375% for #D-...; 20.315% for #T-... . As well as, from each dividend adjustment, a retention of charge is possible for the operation of addition or deduction of the dividend adjustment. You can see the information on the dividend adjustment and retention of tax and charge in your daily statement.

Below one can find more information on important dates for dividend payouts for those companies, whose stock CFDs can be traded. The table is given for informational purposes only and is not part of trading conditions. For more detailed information on trading stock CFDs, please, visit Specifications of Stock CFDs.

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  • Sector

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    • Consumer Staples
    • Health Care
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    • Information Technology
    • Communication Services
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    • Consumer Discretionary
    • Utilities
Swipe table
InstrumentAnnouncement dateEx-dividend date Record datePayment date Dividend adjustment
#S-KO 20.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 01.04.2025 0.51 USD
#S-EBAY 26.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 28.03.2025 0.29 USD
#S-FB 13.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 26.03.2025 0.525 USD
#S-GILD 11.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 28.03.2025 0.79 USD
#CA-BAMa 13.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 31.03.2025 0.09 USD
#CA-BCE 06.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 15.04.2025 0.9975 CAD
#CA-CVE 20.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 31.03.2025 0.18 CAD
#CA-L 24.02.2025 14.03.2025 15.03.2025 01.04.2025 0.513 CAD
#CA-TECKb 19.02.2025 14.03.2025 14.03.2025 31.03.2025 0.125 CAD
#CA-WN 26.02.2025 14.03.2025 15.03.2025 01.04.2025 0.82 CAD
#S-HD 25.02.2025 13.03.2025 13.03.2025 27.03.2025 2.3 USD
#L-AAL 23.12.2024 13.03.2025 14.03.2025 07.05.2025 22 USD
#L-RBS 14.02.2025 13.03.2025 14.03.2025 28.04.2025 15.5 GBP
#CA-CG 20.02.2025 13.03.2025 13.03.2025 27.03.2025 0.07 CAD
#CA-FNV 29.01.2025 13.03.2025 13.03.2025 27.03.2025 0.38 USD
#S-HPQ 30.01.2025 12.03.2025 12.03.2025 02.04.2025 0.2894 USD
#A-BXB 20.02.2025 12.03.2025 13.03.2025 10.04.2025 0.3416 AUD
#S-NVDA 26.02.2025 12.03.2025 12.03.2025 02.04.2025 0.01 USD
#A-QAN 27.02.2025 11.03.2025 12.03.2025 16.04.2025 0.3771 AUD
#CA-T 13.02.2025 11.03.2025 11.03.2025 01.04.2025 0.4023 CAD
#CA-T 13.02.2025 11.03.2025 11.03.2025 01.04.2025 0.4023 CAD

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