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Trade Commodity CFDs without an Expiration Date

Continuous Commodity CFDs allow investing in the dynamics of commodity prices.

For example, the instrument OIL is calculated continuously, without an expiration date, on the basis of two nearby commodity futures on Light Sweet Crude Oil by using the following formula:

OIL = F1 * T1 / T + F2 * ( T - T1 ) / T, where: 
F1, F2 – quotes of the nearby and its following liquid futures;
T - the nominal time between the expiration dates of the nearest and the previous (expired) futures;
T1 – time (days) remaining until the expiration of the nearby futures (F1).

Trading such CFDs is conducted during the trading sessions of futures. Upon the approach of an expiration date of the nearby futures, computing transition to the next futures is performed automatically, with absolutely no gaps or sharp price movements of our continuous CFD. Price movement of continuous CFD towards the futures with more distant expiration, calculated in formula, is compensated by higher cost of rollover (SWAP).

Likewise, all CFD Commodities, the names of which start with "#C-" are traded continuously, without an expiration date.

You can see the detailed information on the scheme in the Calculation Scheme for Continuous CFDs on Commodities page.

This instrument has made trading commodities less costly and easier for traders. As continuous CFDs do not differ from general commodity CFDs, traders cannot be confused.

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* For OIL and # C-BRENT instruments, upon reaching the total volume of open positions at 10,000 barrels and more, the maximum account leverage can be reduced to 1: 4; the maximum allowable amount of open positions is 75,000 barrels.

You can calculate the result of trading and the margin using the Profit/Loss Calculator and the Margin Calculator. You may see the dates of regular corporate earnings release in Corporate earnings calendar.
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